Computer Operator Questions Set 22

Computer Operator Questions, Computer IQ Questions
Computer Operator Questions
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. The memory, which is ultraviolet light erasable and electrically programmable, is
a) ROM                       b) PROM                    c) RAM                      d) EPROM 

2. A  Small film  plate,  which is used for or microfilming the output from a microcomputer screen, is called
a) Microfilm                b) Microfiche             c) Film card               d) COM

3. Which generation of computers is covered by the period 1964-77?
a) First                         b) Second                   c) Third                      d) Fourth

4. What hardware did first generation computers use?
a) Transistors               b) ICs                        c) Valves/vacuum tube              d) SSI

5. Preparing a magnetic disk for data storage is called
a)  Booting                  b) Formatting           c) Debugging                d) Commissioning

6. In magnetic disks,  data is organized on the platter in concentric sets of rings called
a) Sector                    b) Track                     c) Head                          d) Block

7. Which of the following is non-impact printer?
a) Drum Printer          b) Line printer          c) Chain printer              d) Laser printer

8. The earliest calculating device still in use is the
a) Different engine      b) Calculator           c) Minicomputer            d) Abacus

9. A terminal  having local processing capability is
a) KIPS                       b)  AI                        c) Intelligent terminal        d) Optical terminal

10. The IC was invented at Texas instruments in the year 1958 by
a) Jack Kilby                b) Clive Sinclair      c) John Napier                    d) Steve Wozniak

Answer Key
1. d)
2. b)
3. c)
4. c)
5. b)
6. b)
7. d)
8. d)
9. c)
10. a)

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